Tuesday, 10 July 2012


I'm not much for tidiness, organisation, rules or anything that seems sensible and/or logical. At the same time, I don't know what balance or consistency is so, expect this blog to fluctuate between nonsensical mess and a series of themed, clean posts. Somehow, I'm not exactly sure how, I think this relates to my preference for anarchy, rebellion the generally badass, which is heavily reflected in the way I dress. A rather shocking proportion of my wardrobe consists of muscle tees and anything Harley Davidson, while the other part is an odd combination of 90s punk/goth dresses, skirts and sheer tops, psychedelic prints and random items which should probably belong to an American school girl. In many ways, it's like a dress up closet.
Working all day in a somewhat dull retail/corporate environment, I thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to indulge in any outlets which encourage or enable a means of self expression, particularly that which is alternative to what is socially acceptable. Most obviously, I would suggest I do so through the way I dress and my sense of personal style but in a major way, also the films I watch and books I read. Yesterday I watched This is England, and the day before, Prozac Nation (while lacking in any cinematic credibility, Nina Ricci did play a pretty sick character) both which greatly encourage the craziest parts of a person's character to be exposed and displayed through their personal style. I'm currently reading a novel by Agota Kristof, which probably features some of the most depraved characters ever conceived. While this is pretty much irrelevant to this post, I'm attempting to provide context to my own interests and possibly demonstrate how this has influenced my personal style, which I fully intend to include in a post very soon.

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